Shop Policies
Sales Tax & Duty Fees
Sales Tax will be charged to customers who live in Washington, at your current tax rate. International Orders are likely to incur duties, taxes or VAT fees usually based on the weight or value of the item you purchased. These fees are paid by the customer and I cannot devalue the item in the customs form or mark it as a gift to incur a lesser charge. Thank you for your understanding!
If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, it may be returned within 30 days of the transaction. Please ship your item back to me and your payment will be refunded (shipping costs excluded).
Damaged Items
If your item is damaged in transit, I will gladly replace it! Please send photos of the damaged product within 3 days of receipt.
Lost Items
Although very rare, if your item is lost in transit, please allow 30 days for domestic orders and 60 days for international orders for the product to be tracked down. If it is not found, I will make a new one and send it to you.
Contact Info.
My Email Address
PO Box 47014, Seattle, WA 98146